Sunday, November 7, 2010

Kristine Moran: love

Holy hell this painter is incredible!
One of the ones Amanda recommended for me after my first post! I looked her up about two weeks ago and am thoroughly excited to write about her.
These two paintings in particular (entitled "The World is Yours" and "Flash Flood") are really helpful concerning problems I'm having regarding my interior painting.

I think I've been going about it all wrong: I've been trying to incorporate abstraction right off the bat with brush stroke and texture, making my painting awkward and stagnant. Instead I think I should try doing something similar to what Kristine is doing: she starts light and fairly simple and realistic, and then lets herself go totally crazy on top of it. I think my biggest problem regarding painting is my tendency to rush. I have extremely high standards set for myself, and then when they aren't reached immediately I rush, thus screwing up the painting. Frustrated, and convinced I've ruined it, I give up on it or finish in a hurry so I don't have to look at it anymore. It's very silly, and I think if I just slowed down and enjoyed the process more I would have a much better outcome.

Kristine Moran has also done something pretty admirable with color: she's taken green such a long way, really varying the tones and values but with such subtlety! It's pretty breath-taking. She also really has texture down, able to get thick spots without making it look excessive of overworked. This artist's work has been extremely helpful and enjoyable for me to look at. Moran definitely makes the types of paintings that I aspire to make some day: that effortless sense of depth and her sensibility of texture blow my mind :)

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